49 and a Half Days to Christmas.Buy Now and Be The Office Hero Later!

49 and a Half Days to Christmas.Buy Now and Be The Office Hero Later!

Posted on: 21/12/2021

By Tim Carter (Owner of Black Cat Treasure Hunts)

So...it`s 12th October today and you`re telling me there`s only 49 and a half days to Christmas?! Even with basic maths I can tell you that there are 73 and a half to go! Why are Black Cat Treasure Hunts trying to confuse the issue and other great mysteries solved....

1. Christmas comes early, but don`t leave booking your office Christmas social too late. Back at the start of September I groaned when I saw local superarkets stock up on advent calendars, Christmas puddings and mince pies (ok..happy enough for those!).
We are almost in the middle of October now though and I realise that part of the fun of Christmas is attending one of those silly office socials and meals out. These generally run from 1st December to 23rd December. As a result I should remind/urge you to book your event/venue straight away to get one of those `Christmas days` in the bag. You don`t want to belong to that company whose Christmas event is on 26th November! So...1st December...otherwise known as the first official day for Christmas parties is only 49 and a half days away!
2. A second reason to book your event straight away...actually your Christmas Treasure Hunt...actually your Black Cat Treasure Hunts Christmas Treasure Hunt! I take these bespoke hunts seriously. I love Christmas as a treasure hunt theme. You can also choose your colleagues and/or employees to feature in the questions/challenges and general presentation of these types of treasure hunt. Now, as a result of all of this they take a bit of planning and consideration. I mean I can take a booking as late as 30th November for one of these...so long as you don`t need it until 24 the December!
Ideally though the sooner you get in contact the sooner you can sit back and wait to be the `office hero` on the date of your Christmas social.
Contact me (Tim) on info@blackcattreasurehunts.co.uk or on 07445818996 to get the ball rolling. These are a lot of fun,get people together and in the mood for the rest of your evening and meal/drinks.
And those other mysteries?...
3.The Pyramids of Egypt? These were built by approx 20,000 Egyptian agricultural labourers over a 20 year period! Not too bad seeing as each block used weighed 2.5 tons.
4. Why do Zebras have stripes? Apparently they have them to put off the biting flies. Honestly that`s the truth.You can thank me later when you win the next pub quiz you`re at!

Well, I can`t give you the answers to everything just yet...maybe next time. So leave your Christmas shopping until December if you like, but if you are thinking about organising the best Works Christmas do this year then don`t forget to contact me (Tim) soon on info@blackcattreasurehunts.co.uk or on 07445818996  for a great Christmas themed treasure hunt.

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